Call For Papers

The Committee of the International Conference on FOSS Approaches towards Computational Intelligence and Language Technology (FOSS-CIL T25) would like to invite members of the community to submit papers and posters. FOSS-CIL T25 seeks to promote and stimulate discussion on the latest innovations and developments in all fields of NLP, Language Technology and E-Governance.

Honorable authors are cordially invited to contribute their research papers and posters. All papers submitted to the conference will be subjected to a rigorous peer-review process.

  Download PDF Template   Download LaTex Template

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline 15 October 2024
Poster Submission Deadline 15 October 2024
Paper Acceptance 30 November 2024
Deadline for Registration & Camera Ready 01 January 2025
Conference Dates 22 - 24 January 2025
The articles accepted after peer review process which meets the aim and scope of the ICTACT Journals will be subjected for publications in the following ICTACT Journals

Paper Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All papers submitted to FOSS-CILT25 will be checked for plagiarism including self-plagiarism. If a paper is found to fall in the category of plagiarism, the paper will be automatically rejected. The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Paper should be written in English.
  • View the theme and scope topics.
  • Length of a submitted paper should be between 6 to 10 pages.
  • Paper must conform to the standard of templates for conference proceedings.
  • Non-presented papers will be pulled from submission.
  • All review processes are double-blind peer reviews.
  • Full paper must be submitted in PDF format through Online Submission System.
Submit Paper

Poster Preparation Instructions

All posters must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The work of the poster can be either finished or ongoing study. The presented poster can be re-written and can be published somewhere else.The criteria for the poster presentation are:

  • The poster should be in A2 format.
  • The poster should be printed in eco-friendly materials.
  • The poster should contains the sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion/Conclusion along with the necessary images and tables.
  • The Poster can be prepared in either in Latex or Presentation slides.
  • Download LaTeX template and you can edit the template either in Overleaf or TexMaker.
Submit Poster

Language Technology and Linguistics

Track 1

Machine Translation

Semantic Processing

Linguistic Resources

Chunking/Shallow Parsing

Parsing/Grammatical Formalisms

Lexical Semantics


POS tagging

Paraphrasing / Entailment / Generation

Discourse, Phonology, Morphology

Information Retrieval and Text Analytics

Track 2

Question Answering

Dialog Systems

Text summarization

Natural Language Text Generation

Social Media Analytics

Text mining

NLP-based Recommendation systems

Sentimental Analysis,Stylistic Analysis and Argument Mining

Large Language Models

Track 3

Natural Language Processing Applications

Track 4

Interpretability and Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Track 5

Image and Video Processing

Track 6

Hand-written Recognition

Computer vision

Medical Image Processing

Object Detection

Hand Gesture Recognition

Image Segmentation and Classification

Speech Analysis

Track 7

Spoken Language Processing

Speech Recognition and Synthesis

Speech Enhancement

Spoken Document Retrieval

e-Governance and Localization

Track 8





Linguistic Theories,Cognitive Modeling and Psycholinguistics

Track 9

Computational Social Science and Cultural Analytics

Track 10